Loved these pics of Star on her birthday when she discovered her Wendy house in the garden!
Am rubbish at this blog thing it's a fact
On the odd occasion that I sit here typing I wonder is this just another step in my ladder to the madhouse cos not only do I talk to myself I am now typing to myself!!! How mad am I???
Have been trying to keep up with the SLYMI challenge on UKS and it makes me complete at least 1 LO per week, I feel guilty if I just come home from work and scrap all day but I think I must do that at least one day per week, if I'm not physically scrapping I am reading looking learning about it so may as well be getting something done too.
Am waiting on Mr Postman to deliver me some felt so I can complete a LO, how can I have so much stash and still not have what I need??
Well I have wittered enough to myself for one day am off to the craft room to do some planning. . . .